Thursday, September 15, 2011

#41 - Around half the world in 21 (+) hours...

I arrived in Sydney at the very uncivilized time somewhere around 6am on a Saturday morning.  The only upside was that traffic was light - a plus, considering that I was being picked up at the airport.

The flights themselves passed quickly - I had interesting people to sit next to - we chatted for a bit before everyone fell asleep.  I slept through most of both flights - so landed in Sydney a bit turned around but not too exhausted.

Who needs sleep?
Jetlag has now had me in its grip for the past 4 nights - the first night I fell asleep sometime after 7pm.  I awoke refreshed and convinced I must have slept hours and days away, only to find out it was...10pm.  The same night.  The outcome of so little sleep - clumsy, tired and emotional.

Have also finally managed to have a full night of sleep.   It was the first time since last week - what with the strain of waiting for exam results, packing, cleaning, travelling and - oh yes - jetlag - it was a struggle to get enough sleep (the most was on the plane trip over from London).   3 hours at a time or less = crazy person.   8 hours after lots of sleep deprivation = shiny, happy vacationer.   Who knew you could have such trouble sleeping when normally it's the opposite problem?

Sad beginning
The first order of business in Sydney was to make an appointment with a doctor (to treat the cough which is still dogging me) and then to attend the funeral of a family friend.  It wasn't unexpected, but I'm not sure one can ever really be prepared for the passing of someone dear.  Anyway, I saw several friends there, whom I had already arranged to meet later during the trip - it was nice to see them, although not under the circumstances we would have liked.

The whole purpose of this trip was to spend as much time with my grandmother as possible.  Unfortunately I have to wait a few more days - there is a sensible policy that one not go to the nursing home unless in good health - as the elderly may not have as strong immune systems as an adult in their prime - a consideration we take into account when in the kitchen as well, for "high risk" foods.

What vacation?
The upshot is that I have a great deal more free time for the first week than initially planned, with the result that I wandered into the office.  Disaster!  I found out that I had missed work (well, that I discovered a few weeks ago) but now I can't seem to stay away.  Maybe I have been conditioned, like Pavlov's dogs...this is also my home when I am in Sydney.

Social butterfly - kind of...
There are many friends whom I haven't seen in ages - so the calendar has quickly filled up with various social doings, the ones from next week all planned around trips to the nursing home.  Who knew that you could be so busy when you have neither job nor study to take up all those hours?  (Speaking of jobs...I was hoping, and was offered, some work to do while home.  I was told that was not quite normal to love my job.)

Anyway, on the agenda - a dinner at Tetsuya's. It usually has a long waiting list - for some reason 3 months is flying around in my head, but it may be less. Here are photos of a) confit of ocean trout (their signature dish) and the salad next to it; and b) my dear friend Pip, whom I missed. We had a wonderful time together and got to catch up on all the girly gossip that can sometimes be difficult to have when in a large group. Absolutely delicious food (except the foie gras - sorry, Mr Wakuda - I still don't like it, but the rest of the meal was wonderful).

Technologically challenged
My old phone had to be replaced because I had dropped it so many times in London that it had basically fallen apart - I was holding it together with sticky tape - very classy.

The good part is that my old phone was almost out of contract anyway so I could switch to a new one.  It's a 2 year commitment but I have finally gotten used to that - and I kind of switched providers (they merged, but I got the benefits) so a better deal for the phone plan anyway.  The new phone which came with the plan:  a Blackberry.  Possibly very cool - I wouldn't know because I am still trying to figure out how to get my messages from it.  I basically push random buttons on it until it seems to come up with a message - kind of like the way that I turn on the music part of my DVD player which has an ipod dock.  There is a huge question mark as to whether it is possible to turn on the music on purpose - currently the answer is "no" but I am hoping to change that upon my return to Sydney in January.  As for any other options it may be able to do?  Well, I figured out that if you lock the phone, the only way I know to unlock it is to turn it off, then back on.  Otherwise?  No clue...

Other things to do on this trip:  visits, dinners, etc. with friends - I will be overloaded on coffee and food before I leave Sydney.  There was a private little happy dance in what is not my office today at the news that one of my girlfriends has had her baby.  I believe he was even a little early - so a big congratulations to SL & GL - I am so excited to be an Aunty to your little man!

So until next time - I wish you happiness, health and sweet dreams.

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