Wednesday, March 21, 2012

#91 - All clear for exams

(No photos so stop here if you want photos...)

Final hand check
I went for my final check at the hospital yesterday.  As usual, it took an hour to get out to the burn unit at Queen Mary's Hospital in Roehampton.  It's out past Hammersmith so you switch to buses at Hammersmith Station.  There's a little bit of meandering around, then you go over the bridge.  For some reason I had thought it was blue (a la Tower Bridge) but actually it's a pistachio ice cream green color.  Then it's about another 20 minutes or so to get to the hospital which is pretty much right next to a university.

Luckily the appointment was at 8:30 so I had time to get a coffee before I got on the tube.  The physical therapist and plastic surgeon both inspected my hand.  They were pleased with how well the skin had healed - the PT asked what I had put on it and I told her anything anyone gave me:  Vitamin E oil, Vitamin E cream, kukui nut oil, coconut oil, whatever moisturizers I can get my hands on, etc. etc.  Any residual discomfort is because the nerves and ligaments are still healing, which could persist for another 14 - 20 months at which time they can do surgery to release any ligaments which are still catching.

Preparing for exams
For the moment, I am just resting my hand as much as possible in preparation for the upcoming 10 hours of ordered chaos.  Ordered, because there's method to our various madness, chaos because there will be 15 of us in a kitchen and the porters will have to go full speed in order to keep up with the rate at which we use pots.  We have a set of 7 pots and pans at the beginning of the Cuisine final.  I know that I will have to exchange the 3 littlest pots at least once in order to finish glazing my vegetables and to reduce my pigeon sauce, as well as the smaller saute pan and the medium pot.  It would help if we actually had a whole fridge to ourselves instead of only one shelf.  I suppose the school thinks it's adequate space because we have shelves at eye level as well as below the counter, but having experienced the Mock Final, we use all the space and I'm sure people could use more if they were given more.

I'm sure today will be more efficient, but still - you never know what's going to happen on exam day, what with nerves and things.  All kindness of silliness can ensue:  I forgot to put my sauce through muslin last time so hopefully that won't happen this time.  I've heard of people forgetting their parsley chiffonade - it won't change the world but it's a bummer when you've cut it, presented your plate (or plates, this time - 2 servings of everything) and then you turn around and the parsley is just sitting there.

The battle today will be getting the two portions plated.  I didn't manage to plate 2 portions at the Mock so hopefully it will be better today.  For better or worse, the next time you hear from me my Cuisine final will be over.

Until next time, may each subsequent attempt at whatever you're doing improve on the previous attempt.

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